Traumatic Death

We Are Together in Pain and in Hope

Linda Probus, Bereavement Counselor, shares her expereinces helping with tragic loss and its impact on individuals and the communities in which they live. She tells of her experiences in crisis counseling and explains how time softens and gently washes away some of the layers of our grief and pain.

When the Death Was Sudden

Susan Smith, author and editor, explains what you need to understand in order to help a friend grieving the sudden death of a loved one. Sudden deaths have their own set of obstacles for the grieving person. It is important to understand what these obstacles are and what other complications are encountered when the death was sudden. This article helps you understand how you can reach out to a friend.

When The Death is By Trauma

When death is unexpected and traumatic, your sense of reality is destroyed and everything feels out of control. A sense of disbelief can overwhelm and paralyze you. Not only must you cope with the death of your loved one, but the cause of death as well. Your normal coping abilities are overloaded. Sherry Williams White helps you understand those feelings and provides concrete coping strategies to help you deal with your grief.

It Takes a Long, Long Time

Jessie Flynn, writer and life coach shares a very poignant real life story about the grief of one family after 9/11, and explains what grief is like when there has been a traumatic loss and how to cope with it.